
2023年8月30日—Usethetimeoutcommandtospecifythedelaytimeinseconds.Byinsertingthetimeoutcommandintoyourbatchfile,youcanpromptthebatch ...,2017年1月26日—Tousethetimeoutcommand:rem//Allowakey-presstoabortthewait;`/T`canbeomitted:timeout/T5timeout5rem//Donotallowakey- ...,2015年4月19日—Isthereanywaytodelayabatchfileinunderasecond,forexample10milliseconds?Ihavetriedtowritethis:pinglocalhost-n1-w10.,...

5 Easy Commands to Delay a Batch File in Windows

2023年8月30日 — Use the timeout command to specify the delay time in seconds. By inserting the timeout command into your batch file, you can prompt the batch ...

Batch Script

2017年1月26日 — To use the timeout command: rem // Allow a key-press to abort the wait; `/T` can be omitted: timeout /T 5 timeout 5 rem // Do not allow a key- ...

delay a batch file in under a second?

2015年4月19日 — Is there any way to delay a batch file in under a second, for example 10 milliseconds? I have tried to write this: ping localhost -n 1 -w 10.

How do I do a milisecond delay in a .bat file [duplicate]

2020年4月23日 — I was wondering if there is a delay command in a batch file that can delay for less than a second (like 0.2 seconds). As of right now I only ...

How do I make a batch file wait sleep for some seconds?

2009年9月29日 — Which will wait for between 1 and 99999 seconds. Share.

How to insert delays in your batch files

2023年9月12日 — So always specify the number of seconds + 1 for the delay. The PING time-out technique is demonstrated in the following examples: PMSleep.bat ...

How to sleep for five seconds in a batch filecmd [duplicate]

2009年11月4日 — Try doing timeout 1 a few times and observe the difference in delay. For 5 seconds or more, it may not be a big deal, but for a 1 second delay ...

Timeout - delay in seconds

Delay execution for a few seconds or minutes, for use within a batch file. Syntax TIMEOUT -T delay [/nobreak] Key delay Delay in seconds (between -1 and 100000) ...

Windows 批次檔中產生延時效果

2017年7月26日 — 關鍵字. 批次檔延時; 批次檔Delay; 批次檔Sleep; Batch Delay; Batch Sleep; 批次檔暫停Sleep Delay.

如何在批次檔(Batch)中實現sleep 命令讓任務暫停執行n 秒分享

2009年6月24日 — 在批次檔(*.bat)中內建並沒有SLEEP 命令,當你在執行批次任務時若需要暫停執行幾秒鐘,就需要一些小技巧來實現了,以下分享幾個我之前用過的技巧:. 1 ...